John LauHowSui Wong <$BlogRSDURL$>

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

What makes a great guy butt? Like I said, I can fool the opposite
sex by sucking in my stomach and puffing out my chest...but you can't fake a
bad butt. I want to know what a fine male behind is like. (In the most straight way possible.)

After that I need some girls to do some in-depth "testing". I know this next part maybe difficult to accomplish but any info helps me out. The "testing"
involves not only visual but your touching, rubbing, squeezing, and

As for you gals like a full butt?

Does a butt pointing in a certain direction make it nicer? (Up, down, in ,
and out, and if you guys have weird tastes...left or right.)

Questions on butt dimples, hot or not? (in the rare case I do get butt implants I want to be able to tell the doc if I want dimples added to my rump or not) We all know facial dimples drive girls nuts...but how bout dem butt dimples huh?

And for touching, is it "al dente"? Now I very well know that you can't
grab a butt cheek and throw it against the wall to see if it sticks or not,
but you know you can tell if a butt is "Al dente" or not if you take a
little nibble of it. Which is my favorite way of seeing if spaghetti is

Does slapping it make you smile? When you grab it does it spring right back
up? Or do your fingers leave a momemtary impression?

If anybody can give me any imput on the comments section I'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks!

Here are some of the email replies I've gotten:

Angela Hendrick and Rachelle thinks the perfect butt is a peach butt.

Cassie doesn't think there is such a thing as a "cute butt"

Jackie LOVES (not likes) FULL ROUND PERKY butts.

Jana likes flat butts. Well, this answer is the one out of the norm guys.

Girls: Just cause you're not a butt gal doesn't mean you can't learn to appreciate right? I don't really drink...but I'm learning to appreciate it in cooking! Thanks for your honestly girls. Still waiting an answer about the butt dimples tho.

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