Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Operation Kidnap Kin went without a hitch. A night filled with karting, games, and no sleeping. (i didn't make it on this part) Here are some video clips of Kin's kidnapping.
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
So, as I was going thru the list of Blogs/Xangas yesterday...I came across Jenny's (who's 25 today!!!) site to find her (and Viv) basically asking why we men have to be so crazy over sports. In this case football. And I thought to myself...this can be benefiting to all females that may visit my site. (Thanks to Steve's ad for me.) Well here's my edge-ja-ma-cated guess.
You see Jenny...since the beggining of time. We men were given this chemical that raises our competitive nature. Aka: Testosterone. Being a doctor you may know this chemical substance refered to as a hormone. This magical substance makes men want to compete with each other. All so we can determine which of us is the "dominant" male or the "alpa" male in the group. Who's the fastest? Who's got the biggest arms? Who's the strongest? Etc...etc...etc... "Why?" You and Viv may ask.
The answer is very simple my friends. With the title of Alpha Male comes many benefits. 1.)The best selection of foods. 2.)the best (pardon me for this) females. Basically they get the cream of the crop of their society. Not to mention 3.) Recognition and praises by lower males. Rights which also includes bragging and trash talking.
Example: In basket ball...there have been times where I have have been serverly blocked by Rich Wong. And instanty after the play, I am greeted with Dekimbe Mutombo finger shake and the words, "NOT IN MY HOUSE!!!". Because at the point and juncture Rich (by throwing my ball to the other side of the court) has proven that I was not capable of scoring on his basket. Therefore rightfully earning him the trash talking right.
Now what does all this jargen have to do with football? The answer again is very simple. Like our arms and legs football is an extension of ourselves. When our team wins we get the bragging rights(See reason #3 above.)over the other males.
"Should I interfer with this Mr Med-Tech Wong?" Nay I say. And besides...during the game we males turn on our mental recorders. We maybe able to repeat what you have JUST said (anything past 3min is null and void) but in all honesty the same words that just came out our mouths might as well be greek. Cause us guys have no idea what you have just said to us.
Not the mention the side effects are terrible. W/o football we have one less place to ooze our testosterone. And trust me we men like to ooze our testosterone all over. Some known side effects are bad moods, denial, and depression. There have even been reports of hair loss. Well, maybe not hair loss as much as hair migration. The hair seems to move from the patient's scalp to other locations of the body (Out of the ears, nose, and butts.)
So in the end to keep your alpha male happy you should let him enjoy the game. Does that mean you can't see your man at all during the game? No...absolutely not. There are periods during football that are known as "time outs" and "half time" where the female may talk to the male with 100% (and not 3% whick is the minimun requirement of the mental recorder) of his attention.
I hope this has cleared things up for you.

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
So, as I was going thru the list of Blogs/Xangas yesterday...I came across Jenny's (who's 25 today!!!) site to find her (and Viv) basically asking why we men have to be so crazy over sports. In this case football. And I thought to myself...this can be benefiting to all females that may visit my site. (Thanks to Steve's ad for me.) Well here's my edge-ja-ma-cated guess.
You see Jenny...since the beggining of time. We men were given this chemical that raises our competitive nature. Aka: Testosterone. Being a doctor you may know this chemical substance refered to as a hormone. This magical substance makes men want to compete with each other. All so we can determine which of us is the "dominant" male or the "alpa" male in the group. Who's the fastest? Who's got the biggest arms? Who's the strongest? Etc...etc...etc... "Why?" You and Viv may ask.
The answer is very simple my friends. With the title of Alpha Male comes many benefits. 1.)The best selection of foods. 2.)the best (pardon me for this) females. Basically they get the cream of the crop of their society. Not to mention 3.) Recognition and praises by lower males. Rights which also includes bragging and trash talking.
Example: In basket ball...there have been times where I have have been serverly blocked by Rich Wong. And instanty after the play, I am greeted with Dekimbe Mutombo finger shake and the words, "NOT IN MY HOUSE!!!". Because at the point and juncture Rich (by throwing my ball to the other side of the court) has proven that I was not capable of scoring on his basket. Therefore rightfully earning him the trash talking right.
Now what does all this jargen have to do with football? The answer again is very simple. Like our arms and legs football is an extension of ourselves. When our team wins we get the bragging rights(See reason #3 above.)over the other males.
"Should I interfer with this Mr Med-Tech Wong?" Nay I say. And besides...during the game we males turn on our mental recorders. We maybe able to repeat what you have JUST said (anything past 3min is null and void) but in all honesty the same words that just came out our mouths might as well be greek. Cause us guys have no idea what you have just said to us.
Not the mention the side effects are terrible. W/o football we have one less place to ooze our testosterone. And trust me we men like to ooze our testosterone all over. Some known side effects are bad moods, denial, and depression. There have even been reports of hair loss. Well, maybe not hair loss as much as hair migration. The hair seems to move from the patient's scalp to other locations of the body (Out of the ears, nose, and butts.)
So in the end to keep your alpha male happy you should let him enjoy the game. Does that mean you can't see your man at all during the game? No...absolutely not. There are periods during football that are known as "time outs" and "half time" where the female may talk to the male with 100% (and not 3% whick is the minimun requirement of the mental recorder) of his attention.
I hope this has cleared things up for you.